The next race goal is swim 800m in less than 40 minutes, in the Olympic size pool of Vermosa. Race date is August 14, 2022 or just over a month from now.
I went yesterday to Trace College compound in Los Banos, Laguna to do swim time trials in a 50-m pool. Alas, its Olympic size pool is closed (used only for special competitions) and the only pool open to the public is the 25m one.
I have been doing regular swims but I have not been timing my speed. I was focused on relaxation and fitness on those swims. I am aware that I am past the gasping stage experienced by those who have not swam for some time, but I still do no not know if my swim time is within the required 5 minutes per 100m to beat cut-off time.
First 100m was a super relaxed one. Time: 4:51
Second 100m was a bit faster but still easy. Time: 4:32
But can I already sustain that pace for 800m? I thought I needed to swim faster per 50m and have some quick recovery gasps in between during the actual race. A 4min pace would give me more comfort and assurance.
I decided to do 50m x 16 times. Every 50m lap must be done below 2minutes.
1st 50: 1: 57
(had to go out and buy food because I could feel my sugar level falling down)
2nd 50: 1:52
3rd-9th: 1:47ish
10th: 1:45
14th: 1:40
15th: 1:35
16th: 1:29
The best part is that I was swimming faster in the latter intervals not by producing more power (I keep hearing my doctor saying "moderate exertion only") but by streamlining myself and swimming more efficiently. I pictured myself sliding and gliding in the water.
1min30sec per 50m or 3min/100m is my usual pace for half-ironman swim from years ago.
I just hope to swim 4min per 100m for the Turbo Sprint Tri. So help me God. More swim intervals in the coming days.
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