Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Just show up

Sometimes, you just have to show up and do the work. 

I was shookt last week when Trisports suddenly announced cut-off times. The times are reasonable, but not generous enough for slowpokes like me who are advised to do only moderate physical activity. In a week's time I managed to improve my swim time and stay below cut-off, but it was done at the risk of overexertion. On race day, I decided I will no longer care about times, but intend to finally cure my swim trauma/jinx in the Vermosa Pool. 

I took it easy in between laps, but I finally did a swim leg without that drowning feeling or sensation that my heart will burst. My swim was a bit over cut-off time, but I said I will just enjoy the race. Unfortunately, I wasted minutes in bike transition when my helmet clasp ribbon ripped apart. I tied everything with a safety pin and jogged my way to finish line. 

My total time was a few minutes above cut off, but the race organizer posted my name on the podium results. I was still thinking it was a mistake, but they did call me onstage and gave me a medal. Thanks for the recognition. I showed up to fight my swim demon, but I got more.

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