Nov 1, 2008. While the rest of the country visited the dead, I kept my 25km race goal alive by doing a long, slow practice run. Appropriately enough, I started at the back of a church where the columbarium lies. Some 3 hours and 21 kilometers later, I was enjoying the runner's high, eating a hearty lunch and brooding over my sore, red, badly chafed thighs.
I know chafing is friction - fabric against skin, flabby thighs grinding against each other. I have some success in lessening the flab, but finding the comfortable running gear is still a challenge. Long shorts and runner's shorts both roll up and scrape against my skin. I do not care much for what other people might say, but I draw the line on wearing nylon, spandex or lycra shorts on the road. They may look cool on elite athletes but the thought of me looking like suman or longganisa makes me puke. Well I did wear cycling shorts once in a triathlon but only because I do not want to add sore butt to my chafed thighs problem.
So for now I just have to rely on a trusted friend - petroleum jelly. I may hate putting on chemicals on my body, but that is still better than sore, red thighs. Now, if only I can learn (and remember!) to use sunblock as well.
I have the same problem when doing long runs. Do you know if the jelly stains the clothes? I would not want to run with two dits on my shirt if you know what I mean...
Philip, fortunately for me I haven't encountered the problem in those parts of my body (hehe). Maybe others can help. I would apply the jelly though on my lats or where the armholes of the singlet can chafe the body. I haven't noticed stains so far.
that is good to hear.
foreign runner,
i hope i'm not out of line. i just want to volunteer what i've read--that men sometimes put band-aids over their, ehrm, dit-prone area when running long distance. (what's a "dit", by the way? or was that supposed to read "dot"?)
i don't know though how effective this practice is though.
mj, the problem is seeing that I am white and look like a monkey with all my hair, it sometimes does not want to stick. I did it once but afterwards in order not for it to scratch on my t-shirt. Well I went to the shops at Greenhills and wanted to fit a shirt. Yeah you guessed it, there was a lot of confused faces when I took my shirt off. I forgot about them. So I am still looking for a solution.
Philip, probably a fitted dri-fit/nylon/lycra upper garment will do the trick. That shall reduce or eliminate friction. I haven't heard of triathletes complaining of this problem; i hear it from runners who usually wear loose singlets. Nike has this lightweight, dri-fit, sleeveless, fitted garment which looks comfortable when running. Some surfing brands carry lycra (with SPF) sleeveless tops, but I am not sure how they fare under hot weather. Lycra works well in water though so I use a surfer's sleeveless top for triathlon.
I have the same problem. I have tried multiple solutions, but the best is still BODY GLIDE. I swear, I have never chafed bad since I started using it.
Also, I don't do long runs in shorts. I prefer cycling-type shorts or Tri-bottoms.
Javy, thanks for the suggestions, and for dropping by. I will try to look for Body Glide. Ten more pounds and I will probably be brave enough to wear tri-pants.
Wear the pants now, the 10 more pounds will follow :)
Hahaha...The tri-pants might soon slip off (especially on a swim). Old jeans and chinos are now falling off my bum. Will get new set of clothes come January, tri-pants included. I'm also eyeing those cool Adidas Hi-tech gear.
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