Thursday, December 4, 2008

So Many Things

So many races, so little time

So much food, too little exercise

So many gifts to buy, not enough days to shop

What does a runner do to survive Christmas?


Unknown said...

The cheaper option get friends and family to run and keep on running...

Anonymous said...

We need to accept the fact that we will get fat due to the holidays. :D

run unlimited said...

Jinoe is right. I need to fill up this holidays. I am concerned lately about my weight. Got to prepare too for the year ahead.

Rico Villanueva said...

Philip, I am brewing up something to get my family and friends to run. Hope to do it in January.

Jinoe, I am still fighting the bulge. My weight loss is holding up, but I dunno for how long. Good thing I am supposed to do LSDs during the holidays.

Vener, if only I can give you 10lbs of my fat :-) I want to shed more pounds so I can attempt to run like you.